Expert Clinical Nutrition Services
90 min initial consult
Full & thorough medical case history
Food diary & symptom analysis
Discuss ultimate health goals
Quadscan Body comp & report
Referral for any other lab tests
Integrative referral where needed
Personalised Treatment Focus - including initial food suggestions
45 min follow up
Discuss treatment plan
Food diary changes
Assess symptomatic changes
Clinical analysis including body scan
Address treatment plan changes
Integrative referral where needed
Referral for any other lab tests
25 min Body Comp Scan
Quadscan body composition & report
Basic treatment focus
This appointment is suited to someone with specific composition goals in mind, or who has reached their health goals & wants to check in to ensure composition goals are being maintained.
online initial consult
Helping those outside of Christchurch, or outside of New Zealand, or for those who are just too busy to check in face-to-face.
The initial consultation is 60min & covers full medical history, food diary, discussing your ultimate health goals & a personalised treatment focus using the foundation of food, coupled with practitioner & prescription only supplements selected for your specific requirements.
3 month health journey
For those who have a specific health goal they need to achieve & want the ongoing support to keep them on track,
the 3 month program is perfect.
Perhaps you need some accountability, or maybe you just need to remain focused on the health goal.
The 3 month health journey includes x 1 initial consult
& x 4 follow up's. Full payment upfront is required.
Client Reviews
"Claudia has helped me to feel more energised and mentally happier since helping me with my digestive issues.
My headaches have reduced considerably and I no longer beat myself up about my food choices, but have learnt the importance of nourishing myself.”
SJP - Christchurch
"Claudia uses the most up to date research and findings within her practice.
Her advice and regular reviews have helped me with my health condition to stay well, and keep up with the demands of running a busy business."
Karen – North Canterbury
"After years of hormonal issues, Claudia was able to guide me into understanding how food plays a role in my health.
I am now able to better control my health, just by making small changes. Thank you Claudia!"
Amanda - Christchurch